Tohoku Horsepower Tournament at Horse's Village Tono Tournament

Tono has long prospered as a horse-producing land. A variety of horse-related cultures including the unique architectural style of the southern benders, where horses and humans live under the same roof were nurtured here. The horsepower tournament competes for power and speed, utilizing the technology of “towing”, in which horses transport wood cut from the mountains. Powerful horses of Tohoku gather to Tono. Humans and horses sprinting along a 150m straight course as one is a truly majestic picture.
● There is a parking lot at the venue and also a temporary parking lot (around JR Masuzawa Station).
● A shuttle bus runs from the temporary parking lot near JR Masuzawa Station to the tournament venue, so please feel free to use it.
Event date | Late June *Canceled only in case of heavy rain |
Venue | Kashiwagidaira Park Plaza, Miyamorecho, Tono city (get off at Kashiwadaira Station on the JR Kamaishi Line) |
Inquiry | Executive Committee for Tohoku Horsepower Tournament at Horse's Village Phone:0198-62-2111 |
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